Cat Birthing
Cat Birthing Cat Birthing – Is your cat pregnant and about to give birth? This time might be exciting, but nevertheless quite nerve-wracking. You want to ensure that your pregnant cat is taken care of and the kittens are delivered safely. Typically, female cats can give birth easily on their own without the need for […]
Signs of Pregnancy in Dogs
Signs of Pregnancy in Dogs Signs of Pregnancy in Dogs is exciting finding out that your dog is pregnant and expecting puppies. Caring for a pregnant dog can be a huge responsibility, but all your tiredness washes away when you see those cute little puppies and their little paws for the first time. However, when […]
Toys for Pets
Toys for Pets Toys for Pets if you have a pet dog or a cat, pets require some toys for entertainment. However, finding fun yet safe toys can be tricky when there are so many options to choose from. Some dogs like to fetch, some like chewing toys, some like puzzles and more. Similarly, some […]
Whelping Newborn Puppies
Whelping Newborn Puppies Whelping newborn puppies for someone who is breeding dogs for the first time, whelping can be a daunting experience. However, it is imperative that you provide an environment for your dog where she feels comfortable and at ease. And this can be mainly done through a whelping box. Preparing beforehand for whelping […]
Choosing a Cattery
Choosing a Cattery Choosing a Cattery before you go on holiday and leaving your cat behind can be a stressful time. However, they can make the decision less distressing by boarding their pet in a cattery or kennel. This way, your pet will be cared for and comfortable in a temporary environment. Because all catteries […]
Pregnant Cat
Pregnant Cat Pregnant Cat – If you are a natural cat lover. You must know the only thing better than having a pet cat is having her tiny kittens roam around your house. While it is always the best protocol to get your cat spayed as soon as it hits the 8-9 month mark, some […]
Travelling With Pets
Travelling With Pets Travelling With Pets when you looking forward to heading out on a road trip this year? If so, you are at the right place. Many travellers in the US today opt to include their pets in their vacation plans. Bringing a pet along with you on a trip doubles the fun you […]
Whelping Problems
Whelping Problems Whelping Problems for your dog can be awful since watching a living being giving birth to offspring can be very exciting. However, there are potential problems associated with the entire process that you must look out for. Otherwise, your dog or litter can fall sick easily. Before we look at those problems, you […]
Best Pet Heated Bed
Best Pet Heated Bed Best Pet Heated Bed for pet owners, pets are like their children. Your pet is a significant part of your family, and you would be willing to do anything to make them feel safe and comfortable at home. This is why pet owners don’t think twice when it comes to spending […]
Litter for Cats
Litter for Cats Litter for Cats which we all know are glorious creatures that make for excellent domestic pets. Cat owners love their furry companions and consider them household members. However, along with the rewarding aspects of cat ownership, there are also some unpleasant processes to deal with. One of these is the litter box […]