Safe Whelping For Aging Dogs
How To Ensure Safe Whelping For Aging Dogs Safe whelping your dog as it ages. She will likely start to experience complications during whelping, even if she is in good health. To be safe, there are certain precautions and steps you need to follow to help your dog get through the process and get her […]
Set up a Whelping Box for Your Dog
Set up a Whelping Box Set up a Whelping Box is the first thing required when your caring for a dog about to give birth? It’s natural to be stressed, but don’t worry. We have all the information you need to simplify the process for you and your canine companion. Choosing a Whelping Box […]
Setting Up a Whelping Box
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Spot for Setting Up a Whelping Box ! Setting Up a Whelping Box once you find out your dog is pregnant, the ideal course of action is to make a checklist of all the things you have to do and get in order to ensure your dog has […]
Dog Heating Pad – Should You Get One?
Should You Get a Dog Heating Pad? Most people know how effective a Dog heating pad can be, especially when it comes to treating muscle aches and severe cramps. In fact, the use of heat treatment is a popular method for treating ordinary pain, particularly pain brought on by joint or muscle problems. With some […]
Heat Pad v Heat Lamp for Puppies – Which One is better
Heat Pad v Heat Lamp for Puppies Heat Pad v Heat Lamp for newborn puppy that needs a temperature of around 29 to 32 degrees Celsius (85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit), during the initial three days of their lives. As the puppy gets older, the temperature requirements drop to 24 to 27 degrees Celsius (75 […]
Cat Feeder and 10 Things Not Feed Your Cat
Cat Feeder – The 10 Things You Should Not put in your Feed It’s important to know what not to put in your Cat feeder because providing them with the wrong things can make them sick. Here are 10 of the most common foods to avoid for your cat. Dairy Products Cats are obligate carnivores, […]
Cat Heated Beds Buyers Guide
Cat Heated Beds Cat Heated Beds – when the heat rising from your laptop’s charger or coming through your radiator, your cat is going to make it its goal to sit on it. This is why it is a great idea to provide a cat heated beds to your feline buddy as the mercury drops, […]
Pet Heated Beds – 7 Common Questions
7 Common Questions about Pet heated beds Pet heated beds are great for pet parents. We adore our babies and want them to have as much comfort as we can provide them. We give them the best bed with heating or cooling or temperature control pads. This is so they can rest peacefully in them. […]
Whelping Tips and Pregnancy
6 Tips on Dog Pregnancy and Whelping Whelping Tips and the process of birthing puppies. Right from the initial dog pregnancy phase until the labour – is referred to as ‘whelping’. This entire process takes around 60 to 65 days, depending upon the litter size: larger litters might whelp a few days early, while smaller […]
Dog Whelping Kit Tips for 2022
5 Whelping Kits Tips for 2022 It’s okay if you’re equal parts anxious and delighted about the impending arrival of your dog’s puppies having a dog whelping kit at hand will only help. You would require an enclosed, secure, and heated whelping carton for her in addition to the various other things you need to […]