Buy a Hedgehog Heater and 5 Things You Should Not Feed

5 Things You Should Not Feed a Hedgehog & to buy a Hedgehog Heater So, you’ve decided to get a hedgehog as a pet. Congratulations! Now you will need to buy a hedgehog heater to stop your hedgehog hibinating, A hedgehog heater should be placed in the vivurium to keep them warm. Petnap sell a […]

Buy a Heated Cat bed or Heated Cat Pad?

Think about a cat heat pad or Buy a heated cat bed before you get a cat!   Four things to think about before getting a cat So, you’ve decided you want a cat! Want to Buy a Heated Cat bed. Then you should know that there are still things to think about before bringing […]

Puppy Whelping Box Ultimate Guide

Ultimate Puppy Whelping Box Guide A puppy Whelping Box is generally required whether you are a seasoned dog breeder or this is the first litter of your dog’s life. No doubt that you are also experiencing a wide range of feelings now that your dog is going to give birth to pups. You are likely […]

Pet heating pad, what are the benefits of using one?

What are the benefits of using a pet heating pad for dog? Have you ever curled up on a pet heating pad to assist relieve painful cramps or muscular pains, then you know exactly how effective they can be. If you haven’t tried this yet, you should. The use of heat as a treatment for […]

Dog Behaviour what does it mean?

What Does Your Dog’s Behaviour Mean? Dog Behaviour can have a variety of meanings. While some of them are simple to understand, others are more challenging. Understanding these actions and learning how to interpret dog body language are the first steps you should take if you want to recognize your pet dog and establish a […]

Cat behaviour what does it mean?

What your cat behaviour can mean? Cat behaviour is differcult to understand. It’s possible that children might come up with the funniest things to say, but our feline friends that truly throw us for a loop with their peculiar cat behaviour! They have a tendency to elicit an equal number of “awws!” and “oh no’s! […]

Whelping Box | Whelping Problems

Using a whelping box Whelping Box | Whelping Problems In the vast majority of situations, the pregnant bitch will be aware of the impending onset of labour; but there are circumstances when she may be deceived, particularly if she is young. She will start to feel restless two to four days before she starts whelping, […]

Puppy Whelping Box, Caring For Newborn Puppies

Puppy Whelping Box, Caring For Newborn Puppies   It can be wonderful to anticipate new pups in your home. Rememebr it will be a scary time for them having only spent time with litter mates in a Puppy Whelping Box. It’s crucial to provide the mother and the puppies the attention they need. The mother […]