Whelping Supplements

Whelping Supplements If your dog is about to give birth, then giving them whelping supplements can help ease the process. When you provide your dog with the right whelping supplements, you help them gain the extra boost they need to have a healthy pregnancy, as well as to recover afterwards. This is why many breeders […]

Vet Bed Fleece For A Whelping Box

Vet Bed Fleece For A Whelping Box A whelping box is a separate space that pet owners create for their expecting dogs, normally lined with Vet Bed. It provides their dogs with a safe space to give birth in, and to care for their litter in. If your dog is about to give birth, then […]

Petnap whelping kit ! What makes it Great?

Petnap whelping kit A whelping box is essential for whelping dogs. If your pet is about to give birth then a Petnap whelping kit is also just as important. You should try to be prepared. If you aren’t, don’t worry- there are things you can do to prepare yourself now. First let’s look at what […]

Pet heating pads types and their uses

Different types of Pet heating pads A Pet heating pads is very useful when you are suffering from cramps or aches. The heat therapy that the pads delivers make you feel comfortable and provide relief from pain. Your dogs and other pets also suffer from aches and pain, but they can’t tell you about their […]

Whelping Boxes, Types and Styles

Different types of Whelping boxes ! If you are anticipating the arrival of puppies, you are probably considering purchasing some whelping boxes for the growing family. Your pregnant bitch will be at ease in a whelping box, also known as a nesting box or birthing box. Where she can safely confine her puppies for the […]

Whelping | Box

Whelping | Box Information   What is a whelping box? A whelping | box can come in many shapes and sizes and picking the correct one is a question that is often asked. You need to consider if you are going to use the whelping box more than once , how many puppies are exprected, […]

Whelping Information

Breeding or whelping your dog as its officially known can be a scary time and lots of though has to be put into it to ensure success.

Whelping Advice

Whelping Advice   Petnap are happy to offer advice on all things whelping. However we are not registered or trained vets and no claims to this. We are simple a company with over 50 years experience in whelping and whelping products. We can advise on any of our products found on our website. However professional […]

Whelp Box

Whelp Box Whelp box, also known as a birthing box, or pen and nesting is used in order to protect puppies. Also once the whelping process has taken place and during the early stages of life when they are most vulnerable. They keep them safely contained away from the chill. Most nesting boxes also contain rails or […]

Heated Cat Beds for your Cat or Dog

Heated Cat Beds Heated Cat Beds in the winter chilly months can be essential especially as these months tend to be uncomfortable for cats and pets alike, especially those breeds with thin to little fur or those completely hairless breeds such as Sphynx. One way of keeping your cats warm and cosy, could be to […]