Animal Heat Pad Ready for Winter

The winter months may mean that Santa will soon be visiting, but it is also the time of the year when the temperature takes a dramatic drop, the winds pick up some momentum and we all have to add a few layers when bracing the morning dew.

Cat Heat Pads

Having a sick cat is a horrible situation to be placed in, as you feel nothing but sympathy for them and their inability to do their usual routines and tasks. Much like a member of our family, cats can get ill and you want to do your best for them to ease their discomfort.

Disposable Whelping Boxes

The whelping (or labour) process for pets is an important and fundamental part of their lives and as such, it is essential to nurture them and ensure they are as comfortable as possible. At this time, the last thing you want is for your pet to be under any kind of distress, which is why you need to take measures to ensure they are as comfortable as possible.

Heated Bedding

With the terrible winter from a few years ago still firmly planted in the memory, the threat of another is enough to send chills down anyone’s spine. There is not a lot we can do to change the weather but at the very least we can do is ensure we are prepared. For those of us with pets, this is especially true as we want to make sure that they aren’t excluded from making sure the home is protected from the elements

Dog Winter Heat Pad

Chilly nights can be a drain on us all and definitely one of the parts of winter that we don’t particularly look forward to. Apart from resting up on the couch with a hot drink and a roaring fire on the go, cold winters can make for a shivering atmosphere and we can’t help but feel sorry for our precious pets.

Disposable Litter Trays

Unique Litter Boxes at

If you are looking for unique litter boxes then the Petnap store is the ideal place to find them. The online shop features some of the most wonderful litter boxes such as the LitterHouse..

Whelping Kits

When the time comes for whelping your puppies the best advice that can be given is to simply be prepared. It can be a beautiful and stressful time for pet owners and their potential pups alike. In this situation, your stress levels can be controlled safe in the knowledge you have prepared for most eventualities and will be comfortable in your own surroundings

Pet Heat Mat

It can be easy to assume our furry friends have all the protection they need from the cold and bitter months ahead, but like us it wouldn’t hurt to have a little bit of extra warmth and cosiness when we need it most.

The freezing cold elements of the winter months can mean discomfort for our pets and a reduction in them wanting to head out during the day and night.

Whelping Boxes

The whelping process is a fundamental and highly important part of your pet’s life and as such, you need to ensure you are adequately prepared to deal with it when it happens.