Whelp Box
Whelp box, also known as a birthing box, or pen and nesting is used in order to protect puppies. Also once the whelping process has taken place and during the early stages of life when they are most vulnerable. They keep them safely contained away from the chill. Most nesting boxes also contain rails or poles around the lower edges. Rails are to stop the mother crushing the puppies up against the sides of the box which could cause the puppies to become suffocated as well as being crushed.
Disposable Box

Petnap Whelping Boxes
At petnap we sell 2 types, a Disposable Cardboard Whelping Box and Reusable Birthing Box. Both of these boxes will cope with the duration of the birthing process normally around 6 to 8 weeks. After this time they then move on to a more suitable environment. A playpen is ideal as they become ever more adventurous. We stock 5 sizes in both types of box giving you plenty of choice and also have heavy duty plastic versions in our larger 2 sizes.
Reusable Box

Our heavy duty Whelping boxes available in 40″ and 48″ are extremely strong and ideal for a breeder with big heavy dogs.