If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to purchase all your essential whelping equipment at a discounted price this is the product for you.
It maybe that you have never breed before and are unsure what is required. Fear not this selection of products has been put together to take the pain out of not knowing.
This kit contains what most breeders would suggest is the minimum requirement of items for a successful whelp.
It may turn out that you may need other items along the way but these items are essential.
This product consists of the following items
1x 24″ x 24″ Disposable Whelping Box
2x 24″ x 24″ White Pet Fleece
1x Standard Vinyl Heat Pad
1x Whelping Kit complete with Scales
20x Absorbent Puppy Pads
CLICK HERE for Reusable option
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Petnap Limited 2025 © - part of goYo Group - Designed By Jarilo
Our website is currently closed until Wednesday 19th March 2025.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Our Whelping Boxes, Fleece Lining and 6 Bowl feeders can all be purchased from our trading partners website,
Pets at Home
If you wish to place an order please return to our site after this time. To make things easier you can add your items now to the wish list for faster checkout.